We Are Not Pair!!! Unofficial Guide!!!
Note: The following applies to VPS and QS account types ONLY! Please be aware, you CANNOT host a Gogs Git Server on a shared hosting account! Running a daemonized process on a shared hosting server is against Pair’s hosting policies.
If you’re unsure what account type you have, you can find out by following the steps in their official help article on the subject.
Account Type: VPS/QS
Difficult Level: Hard
This blog post will cover how to install Gogs — a free, opensource, lightweight, self-hosted, git web interface, written in Go — on a pair Networks VPS / QS.
Interface Example

Before we begin you’ll want to have a domain already setup on you account pointing to an empty web directory.
You’ll also want to have some familiarity with using SSH / shell commands. Unfortunately, its Not possible to follow this guide only using FTP or the ACC.
Pair’s Help Guide On Using SSH
Lastly, you’ll want to setup a blank database which can be used by the Gogs web server. You can follow the steps in this official pair help article to create a database. You’ll want to write down / otherwise save the main login credentials for the database after creating it as you’ll need them later.
Apache .htaccess Setup
To begin, you’ll want to SSH to your account and then cd
into the directory of the site you’ll be installing Gogs under.
ssh [email protected]
cd public_html/git.yourdomain.com
Before we do anything else we’ll want to add some Apache configuration directives to the .htaccess file for the site.
You can do this using the following echo
echo 'DirectoryIndex disabled' > .htaccess
echo 'RewriteEngine On' >> .htaccess
echo 'RewriteRule (.*) http://localhost:3000/$1 [P,L]' >> .htaccess
The above lines will tell Apache to proxy all trafic for the base domain back to localhost:3000, where the Gogs service will be running once its installed.
Next you’ll want to download the latest Gogs binary tarball and extract it. We’ll use wget
to download it and tar
to extract it. At the time of writing this (Aug. 2022) the latest version of Gogs is 0.12.10, so that’s what I’ll be installing. But you can find the latest amd64 Linux tar.gz on their site linked below.
wget https://dl.gogs.io/0.12.10/gogs_0.12.10_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar -xzvf gogs_0.12.10_linux_amd64.tar.gz
After extracting the archive we’ll want to cd down into the gogs
directory and then create a new custom conf directory and custom app.ini
config file.
cd gogs
mkdir -p custom/conf
echo "[server]" > custom/conf/app.ini
echo "HTTP_ADDR =" >> custom/conf/app.ini
Finally, we’re ready to start up the Gogs web server.
./gogs web
That will start the gogs web server running on localhost (aka port 3000. The .htaccess rules we added previously should now direct all traffic from the base domain to the running Gogs instance.
You should now be able to visit https://git.yourdomain.com/install in a browser to begin the setup process.
Initial Setup
After visiting https://git.yourdomain.com/install you should be presented with a screen like the following.

The settings are fairly straightforward, but I’ll touch on the important ones briefly.
For “Database Type” you’ll want to select MySQL.
For “Host” you’ll want to enter the hostname of your database server. This might be localhost, however if you’re on a VPS you could have your databases hosted on shared database servers. So check your databases hostname in your DB settings.
For “User” and “Password” enter your MySQL username and password.
For “Database Name” obviously put your databases name.
For “Application Name” put your organizations name or whatever you want.
Keep “Repository Root Path” as /usr/home/username/gogs-repositories
For “Run User” change that to your Pair account username.
For “Domain” put your domain name (eg. git.yourdomain.com).
For “Application URL” put your URL (eg. http://git.yourdomain.com).
For “Log Path” change it to /usr/home/username/www_logs/gityourdomain.com/gogs/log
Lastly, under “Optional Settings” we’ll want to do three things.
First, under “Server and Other Services Settings” we’ll want to “Disable Self-registration” to prevent others from signing up for our Gogs instance. If you do want to share the git server with others its advised that you make accounts for them later and send them the credentials, rather than allowing self registration.
Next, also under “Server and Other Services Settings” we’ll want to “Enable Require Sign In to View Pages” to prevent the public from being able to see our repos (unless of course you want your repos to be publicly visable).

Lastly, under “Admin Account Settings” you’ll want to enter your perfered Gogs admin user login details.

And then finally you’re ready to click “Install Gogs”!
Login & Administration
After the installation completes you should be automatically logged in as the Admin user. From there you can create new users, add repositories, create organizations, and generally administer the Gogs git server.
Gogs is pretty much a clone of github/gitlab and includes many of the same features. Go nuttz!
Final Installation & System Service Configuration
So far we’ve covered running Gogs as a stand alone binary from the command line. However, obviously we don’t want to leave the Gogs server running in a terminal forever.
Additionally, we have some requirements. We want the Gogs backend server to be able to automatically start up when the server itself starts up; We want it to be automatically restarted if the gogs process is killed; And lastly, we want to be able to easly stop / start with a single command. The answer to all of these requirements is systemd.
Systemd is the initilization system / service manager for Ubuntu Linux. Its the first process (PID:1) and its responsible for starting all other processes on the operating system. We can create what’s called a systemd unit file, to tell systemd how to run our process.
First we’ll start by creating our local systemd conf directory.
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
Then we can create a file within that directory called gogs.service
which will become our systemd unit file.
I use vim
as my editor. If you’re not familar with vim
use nano
vim ~/.config/systemd/user/gogs.service
Then paste the following contents in that file.
Description=Gogs Self-Hosted Git Server Startup Service
ExecStart=/usr/home/username/public_html/git.yourdomain.com/gogs/gogs web
Environment=USER=username HOME=/usr/home/username
Be sure to replace “username” and “git.yourdomain.com” with your account username and your domain name.
The tool used to control the systemd service manager is called systemctl
. Before we can use systemctl
we’ll have to activate it. We can do so using another tool called loginctl
loginctl enable-linger $USER
You’ll then have to export an environment variable for systemctl
to work properly.
- If you use Bash:
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID
- If you use Csh:
setenv XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /run/user/$UID
Its a good idea to add that variable to your shell’s rc file, so you don’t have to re-run the above command every time you log in over ssh.
- If you use Bash:
echo "export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID" >> ~/.bashrc
- If you use Csh:
echo "setenv XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /run/user/$UID" >> ~/.cshrc
Lastly, we’ll want to start and then “enable” our new systemd service using the systemctl --user
command. Enabling a service just sets it to auto-run on machine boot.
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now gogs
That should start the gogs web service in the background! You can check that its running with,
systemctl --user status gogs

Then just visit the site in a browser and you should be good to go!
Administering the Server Via The Command Line
One last thing I wanted to touch on is the ability to administer Gogs via the command line. For example, now that Gogs is running as a systemd service we can stop, start, and restart the server using the following commands.
systemctl --user stop gogs
systemctl --user start gogs
systemctl --user restart gogs
We can also administer some aspects of the Gogs server directly by running the gogs binary with the admin
For example, you can create a new Admin level user with the following command.
cd ~/public_html/git.yourdomain.com/gogs/
./gogs admin create-user --name YOUR_NEW_USERNAME --password YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD --admin --email [email protected]
For more see the --help
page for gogs.
Gogs admin - Allow using internal logic of Gogs without hacking into the source code
to make automatic initialization process more smoothly
Gogs admin command [command options] [arguments...]
create-user Create a new user in database
delete-inactive-users Delete all inactive accounts
delete-repository-archives Delete all repositories archives
delete-missing-repositories Delete all repository records that lost Git files
collect-garbage Do garbage collection on repositories
rewrite-authorized-keys Rewrite '.ssh/authorized_keys' file (caution: non-Gogs keys will be lost)
resync-hooks Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks
reinit-missing-repositories Reinitialize all repository records that lost Git files
--help, -h show help
For Pair
For Gogs